My Recipes

Monday 27 August 2012

Kothalguti aru Bahgajor Khaar

Kothalguti aru Bahgajor Khaar (Curry of Jack fruit seeds and Bamboo shoot)

                     A few Assamese terminologies : 
                     1. Kothal : Jack fruit
                     2. Guti : seeds 
                     3. Bah gaaj : Bamboo shoot
                     4. Masoor daal : Red lentil
                     5. Omita : Papaya 
                     6. Kol Khaar : The alkaline ashes of dried bark, peel and root of plantain tree.
            Method of making Khaar :  sun dry banana peels and trunks of banana plant and burn to collect the ash. Then pour water, keep over night, strain and store the clear brown liquid to use in curries.
Khaar is believed to be nutritious, very common and is used in a variety of dishes all over the North Eastern part of India.

Ingredients :
1. Masoor : 1/4 cup
2. Bamboo shoot : 1 small (fresh)
3. Kothal guti : 20
4. Omita : 1/2 of a small, around 15 cubes
5. Kol Khaar : 2tbsp (can be substituted by a generous pinch of soda-bi-carbonate)
6. Ginger paste : 1 tbsp
7. Garlic paste : 1 tbsp
8. Mustard seed : 1/2 tsp
9. Mustard oil : 1 tbsp
10. Salt : to taste
11. Green chilly : 2 or 3
Method to clean and cut :

The seeds of ripe Jack fruits are washed and sun dried. They can be kept for several days. There are various ways to eat Kothalguti, whatever the method, it tastes delicious. 

To clean Kothalguti : Take off the outer (white) shell and soak in water for an hour. 

Scrape the brown skin (optional). Some like it with the brown skin on. Kothalguti can be cooked whole or halved for this recipe. 

Wash and soak masoor for half an hour.

To clean Bah gaaj : Keep taking off the layers till the very tender portion is found. Wash before slicing. 

Bah gaaj is cut into different shapes and sizes according to the recipe. For this particular one, we cut length wise like the picture above. 

Peel, wash and cube raw Omita. 

Method to cook : 

Heat oil, splutter mustard seed. Add chilly, ginger+garlic paste leaving a little aside to add later and saute for a minute. 
Add kothalguti (I have halved them), masoor, omita, bah gaaj and salt. Stir well and saute for a few minutes. 

Add 2 or 3 cups of water. Cook in medium heat. Add kol khaar when half cooked, stir well. 
Cook till done. 

Water should dry up, but the curry should not be too dry. Add the ginger+garlic paste and a few drops of raw mustard oil when cooked.  

Kothalguti aru Bahgaajor Khaar is ready to be served.