My Recipes

Monday 8 September 2014

Coastal Mutton Curry


1 kg mutton
2 medium sized onions sliced
1 medium tomato chopped
1 sprig Curry leaves
1/2 tsp Rye (Black mustard seeds)
1 cup thick coconut milk
1 badi (black) elaichi
Dried red chilli (whole) – 2
Ginger-garlic paste
Red Chilli Powder
Freshly ground pepper
Dhania powder
Meat Masala (optional)
A pinch of Garam Masala (optional)
Salt to taste
Light vegetable oil for cooking

For paste:
Dhania leaves – 10
1 medium tomato
1 big onion
1 green chilli

For tadka:
10 Curry leaves
1 tsp ghee

1.       Wash mutton thoroughly and marinate with salt, ginger-garlic paste (very little), turmeric, red chilli powder and meat masala. Keep aside for 20 mins.
2.       Make a thick paste using ingredients listed under ‘For Paste.’
3.       Heat oil in a cooker. Add elaichi (roughly crushed) and whole red chilli. Wait for half a minute and then add Rye and Curry leaves. Sauté till the rye splutters. This will lend a beautiful flavour to the oil. Smells good?
4.       Add sliced onion and half tsp ginger-garlic paste. Fry till transparent. Then add chopped tomatoes and stir till the raw smell is over.
5.       Now add the paste, along with seasoning: red chilli powder, turmeric, pepper, dhania powder and meat masala. Fry till the masalas have blended really well and starts sticking at the bottom. Add a tbsp. of water and fry again till it sticks.
6.       Slowly add the marinated meat. Carefully turn it around till it has been coated well with the luscious paste.
7.       Add 1 ½ cups water. Add salt to taste and garam masala. Gently stir once and put the lid on. Cook on low flame for 30 mins.

8.       Open cooker once steam has left. On low flame, add coconut milk and stir. Use high flame and wait for the right consistency. Turn gas off.
9.       Use items under ‘For Tadka’ to make a flavourful tadka and pour on top before service. Tastes yummy with steamed rice or Malabar Parotta.

Malabari Parotta goes best with this dish.