My Recipes

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Tel Pitha

A few Assamese terminologies : 
1. Pitha : a snack, rice powder is the main ingredient. Pithas are of quite a few variety, both sweet and savory. 
2. Tel : oil. 
3. Saool : rice
4. Goor : jaggery
5. Saunf : aniseed
This Pitha is fried in oil, hence, Tel Pitha, to make around 26 of them, you need :

1. 1/2 kg Saool. Wash, soak for a while, drain and leave saool for about an hour.

Grind Saool to a fine powder.

2. 180 gm Goor

Soak Goor in 1cup of water and mix well, strain and keep aside.

3. 1 tsp, level, Saunf

4. A pinch of Soda bicarb

5. 250 ml Mustard oil

Add Soda bicarb and Goor-water to Saool powder.....

...add Saunf ....

...mix well, add little more water if necessary to make a thick batter. Keep over night for fermentation. 
Heat oil drop 1 tblsp batter at a time and deep fry in medium heat turning to brown all over. Tel Pitha can be stored for several days. 

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