My Recipes

Thursday 19 May 2011

Paatot Diya Maas

Paatot-diya Maas is a favourite of the Assamese.
A few Assamese terminologies:
1. Paat: leaf
2. Kolpaat: banana leaf
3. Paatot Diya: food cooked (either steamed or grilled) wrapped on kolpaat
4. Maas: fish
To cook this delicacy you need:

6pieces of Aari Maas(Long-whiskered Cat fish or Giant river cat fish)
Paste of 3tblsps Mustard seed, 1tsp level Garlic(optional), 1tsp level Onion(optional)
A few whole green Chillies
1 Onion cut into roundels or big pieces
A few strands of fresh Coriander(optional)
1tsp Turmeric powder, Salt to taste
1tblsp Mustard oil
Wash fish, pat dry, mix with all the ingredients and leave for at least 20 minutes. Paste of Onion and Garlic may be added if you feel the taste of mustard is too strong if used alone.
For a little flavour, add Coriander .....
... wrap the fish on a kolpaat and tie it up with little fiber from the leaf.
Put in a steamer....
Cover and steam for 45 minutes.
Paatotdiya Maas is ready to serve.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for trying the recipe Sanjeeta :)

  2. this looks yummy, my husband will be surprised if I attempt to make this
