My Recipes

Monday 21 November 2011

Pasta in Rome

It is indeed a fact that " Pasta happens to be the world's most satisfying and delicious foods". Never knew Pasta could be of so many varieties till my visit to Italy and practically learnt a few tips or two on making and serving them. Although I tried my best, remembered only few shapes of Pasta which go well with a particular sauce. For example: Rigatoni, a very popular one in Italy, best served with a meat sauce tossed in butter and a dash of cream; Farfalle, which looks like a bow tie or a butterfly, can be served with both red and cream sauce.

 Back home, the best known Pasta to me was the Spaghetti, as almost all girls were seen wearing this particular strappy tops having straps as thin and flat as a string of Spaghetti.

Most popular varieties of Pasta and recipes come from Italy, although it is of different cultures and countries as well. Pasta comes in a wide range of colours, shapes and sizes including the varieties known as 'Tortellini' and 'Ravioli' which are filled with ingredients like cheese, meat etc. 
Dry pasta can be stored up to two long years while fresh ones should be refrigerated to use not more than two days which is of course rarely eaten.


Italians are simply passionate about Pasta and cook it with great love and care. Although popular legend has it that Marco Polo introduced Pasta to Italy, following his exploration
the far East in the late 13th century, pasta can be traced back as far as the fourth century BC.
The different shapes, sizes and colour actually make you hungry 

The best thing that happened to me during a short stay in Italy was, to fall in love with Pasta and Lasagna.  Never knew Pasta could be of so many shapes n sizes and could be cooked in so many mouth watering ways !  


  1. you know i have never ever tasted pasta or lasagna. ever. even though there are so many italian restaurants here in Blore
    and i nodded at your last sentence - so many shapes &sizes & ways of cooking this dish

  2. :)
    Do try Sujatha, they're simply yummy!
    Thanks for visiting.

  3. A very enticing and yummy post!Pasta and lasagna are adorable...

  4. I, too, love pasta, but it all depends on the sauce. I love seafood linguine that is prepared with a LIGHT cream sauce, nothing thick or heavy. yum!

  5. @ Rahul Bhatia :
    Thanks for visiting Rahulji. Yes they are, I actually fell in love with them :)

  6. @ gigihawaii :
    Thanks a lot for visiting. Nice to know your expertise in fine dining gigihawaii.

  7. @ R.Ramesh :
    :) geez ... thanks :)

  8. We all love pasta, and my husband cooks it very well, with lots of different cheeses. I just love all the shapes.

  9. What a range of delicious sumptuous mouth watering pastas. And so beautifully and attractively presented.If ever there is a pasta eating competition I can have all of them in one go. :)

  10. Oh !!!! It is mouth watering, Ruprekha.

  11. Ruprekha,

    Read 2 posts now. There is still a lot to be done for under-privileged children. Awareness needs to be raised among society to be of support than to use their poverty of selfish needs. You made my mouth water with these photographs. When do I get to be lucky to taste some of this?

    Take care

  12. Really they seem to be inviting.b My nices are fond of it and I used to buy them Never tasted myself. Now I need to do.

  13. @ rama :
    @ R.Ramakrishnan :
    @ Prataprudra :
    @ Onkar :
    @ P.N.Subramanian :
    Thank you so much. Yes, pasta look as mouth watering as they taste.

  14. @ Jack :
    Thank you so much for your visit and appreciation. Regarding pasta, any time .... :)

  15. My son loves pasta and make so it is cooked for lunch often. I make my own sauce, tomato based, normally. Sometimes I buy for a change. I use the second and the last one in your pictures, mostly. He loves it! Your pictures look edible!
