My Recipes

Monday 19 December 2011

Stir fried Chicken with Bamboo shoot

                   Ingredients : 
1 broiler chicken : cut into medium pieces, clean and wash.
1 bamboo shoot : keep removing the layers, take only the most tender part. Slice roundels and wash. 
1 tbsp crushed ginger.
1 tbsp crushed garlic.
2 onions : thickly sliced.
Salt : to taste
3 tbsp refined oil
A pinch of pepper powder 
1 tbsp soy sauce 
                   Method : 
1. Cook bamboo shoot in water with a little salt till tender. Remove from water and keep aside. 
2. Cook chicken in water with salt till cooked. Remove from water. This chicken broth can be used in soup or other curry. Chicken can also be cooked till the entire water evaporates. 
3. Heat oil in a pan. Stir fry ginger, garlic, chilly, onion and soy sauce for 2 minutes. Add chicken, bamboo shoot, salt if needed, pepper powder (optional) and keep stirring. 
4. Stir fry this way in low heat for a while, check salt. 


  1. Chicken with a bamboo shoot... have never eaten one and this sure looks tempting!

    1. Yes, it is as delicious as it looks Shilpa :)

  2. I have eaten this sometime. The pic and the recipe sends back longing. I guess the devouring was in a Chinese restaurant.

    1. Glad to know you liked the devouring :) It is indeed delicious.
