My Recipes

Thursday 19 June 2014

Kothalor Pitha

Kothalor Pitha or Kothal Pitha
(Sweetmeat made of Jackfruit)

Ingredients :

Ripe Jackfruit
Rice flour
A pinch of soda-bicarb
Oil to fry

Method :

De-seed a few pods of jackfruit. Take two pods at a time on a strainer and press with a spoon to collect the juice. 
Mix all ingredients well leaving aside the oil. 
Heat oil, drop spoonful of the batter with a spoon and deep fry on low heat till brown. Tastes great both served cold or hot.


  1. I thought Kerala alone had such delicious snacks.This looks very delicious.
    I am not clear about straining the juice.Should we not use the edible portion of jack fruits sans the seeds and mix with flour etc.

    1. Then you are wrong KParthasarathiji :)) Assam is well known for various snacks and sweetmeats, we call them pitha.
      No we do not use the whole pod of jack fruit. It then will not be blended well for the fiber part of it. Therefore, we take out the seeds and keeping the pods on a stainless steel soup strainer press with a spoon. The pulp then collects on a bowl below the strainer. This pulp is used to make this pitha. It tastes great. Yes you can use maida as well.
      Thank you so much ...

  2. Really looks so delicious , How delicious it would be to taste ?

    1. Thank you so much :)
      Yes, tastes great. And I love it more for its beautiful fried jack fruit flavour.

  3. We have lots of similarity in Odiya and Assameese cousin. We do prepare baked cakes (Poda Pitha) using Kathal.

    1. Yes, you are right there, we do have lots of similarity. Here too we use several different methods to make kothal pitha. Do check this pitha going through this link from my page "Bodo Cuisine"

  4. I Still cannot understand how to take the pulp by straining, for ripe Jackfruit is not the type of fruit you can get juice just by pressing and straining.
    I thought getting the pulp by grinding them in the mixie would be much easier.
    Maybe both KP and myself cannot understand this concept. I can see the pulp in a glass cup, that is the Jackfruit pulp looks a lot like aamras.
    Ok can we get the pulp by using the mixie and then using the pulp to make the sweet?

    1. You are wrong Rama. Assam is well known for various snacks and sweetmeats, we call them pitha and this particular one is a very popular one.
      No we neither use the whole pod of jack fruit like KP has mentioned nor grind it in the mixie like you said. Because we do not use the fiber part of the pods of jack fruit. Therefore, we remove the seeds and place the pods on a stainless steel soup strainer and press with a spoon. The pulp then collects on a bowl below the strainer. This pulp (like you said "the Jackfruit pulp looks a lot like aamras." ) is very smooth and without any fiber part of the pods and is used to make this pitha. It tastes great, I particularly love the beautiful flavour that fills up the kitchen while frying.
      Thank you so much for checking and suggesting Rama, being such a wonderful cook yourself.
