My Recipes

Friday 4 July 2014

Chicken Korma

Serves : 4
Ingredients :

Chicken : 500 g
Onion chopped : 2
Paste : garlic 1+ginger little
Red chilly powder : 1tsp
Salt : to taste
Curd : 1 cup
Cardamom : 2 small + 2 big
Cinnamon : 1 small piece
Clove : 4
Refine oil : 1 small cup
Kewra essance : 2 tsp
Water : 2 small cups

Method :

Fry onion till brown, mix with curd and 1tsp kewra essance. Keep aside.
Heat oil, add paste of ginger+garlic, fry a little on low flame and add chicken. Keep stirring while adding chilly powder, salt, whole cardamom, cinnamon, clove. 
Fry on low flame for a while, then turn flame to medium. Add little water, cover and cook. Add more water and cook till tender. 
Reduce heat and add onion mixed curd. Put in 1 tsp kewra essance. Stir well. Keep cooking and stirring till well blended. 

1 comment:

  1. My fondness on cooking is what made me land on this page. Well, we have a site called and very shortly we are coming up with a separate page on Cooking to our existing pages. In this regard, we are looking for Contributors who can write for us on the given subject and get paid 200 for every article they submit and 400 bucks for videos. As we are a start up company, we have limited our resources to very minimal. One can submit their article on cooking at along with photographs and of course a scanned photograph of self and a little Bio with 1-2 links to their personal blog. Payments are released every weekend. Thanks and all the best.
