My Recipes

Tuesday 19 August 2014

Dahi Vada

 Makes around 30 to 35 Vadas

Ingredients :
1.  Urad Daal (Black lentil) 1 cup
2.  Mung Daal (Split green gram) 1/3 cup (optional)
3.  Curd 1 litre 
4.  Salt
5.  Sugar
6.  Refine oil, to fry the vadas
7.  Powdered Jeera (Cumin), Dhania (coriander), Black pepper, Chilly

Method :
Soak both lentils separately for around 3 hours.
Grind adding little water keeping lentil little coarse to get soft vadas. 
Mix well adding more water if necessary. Make sure the consistency is not watery. Keep aside for around half an hour. 
Add salt to a bowl of water and keep. Heat oil and deep fry the vadas in medium to low heat. 
When done drain them from oil and soak in the salted water of the bowl for 3 to 4 minutes. Fry the next batch of vadas. Squeeze the water out of the soaked vadas and arrange them on a platter.  
Add water, salt and sugar to curd and stir well. Pour the curd over vadas, let them soak in the curd for an hour.  

Ingredients for sweet-sour sauce :
1. Eemli (Tamarind) 
2. Goor (Jaggery)
3. Salt 
4. Refine oil
5. Curry leaves
6. Whole dry red chilly
7. Panchforan (fennel seeds+mustard seeds+fenugreek seeds+onion seeds+cumin seeds)
8. Powdered Jeera (Cumin), Dhania (coriander), Chilly

Method :
Soak Eemli in water, squeeze and strain the water. Scrape Jaggery, mix in water and strain through a fine muslin cloth. 
Now mix both eemli and jaggery water and cook on low flame. Keep stirring, add salt. Should not be too watery.
Heat oil, put panchforan, curry leaves, dry red whole chilly and let splutter for a minute. Pour in the eemli sauce. Add jeera+dhania+chilly powder. Stir well, check salt and spice. 

Serve Vadas sprinkled with powdered Jeera (Cumin), Dhania (coriander), Black pepper, Chilly. Pour a tsp full of the eemli sauce 


  1. Awesome virgin white dahi vadas with attractive sprinklings and chat pata imli sauce. I think I will go to Annapoorna's today for dahi vada :)

    1. Hahaha ...
      Dahi vadas, any time :))
      Thank you for dropping by
