My Recipes

Monday 14 March 2011

Khangkhrai Bathwn

Khangkhrai Bathwn (Crab Chutney)

Khangkhrai : Crab


250gm Khangkhrai gooboi (common river crab)

1 onion sliced
2 pods of garlic
1 green chilly
salt to taste
1/2 tsp turmeric (optional)

1 tbsp mustard oil

Method : 

Heat oil, clean, wash and fry crab with onion, salt, turmeric. Onion can be fried separately and kept aside. Cover and fry stirring occasionally on low heat till crab meat is cooked.

Put fried onion, green chilly in a hand grinder (mortar and pestle), 

... add fried crab and pound to a fine paste. 

Delicious Khangkhrai Bathwn is ready to eat with a meal of rice. 

You can also check these two delicious indigenous Bodo Crab recipes. 

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