My Recipes

Sunday 13 March 2011

Pets : Bozo


The family's first pet, a Lhasa Apso. He came to be part of us, part of our family one fine day without our planning or even a thought of having a pet in our home. 
Met him for the first time on a visit to a friend's. Was sad to see that he was treated very poorly. The poor little darling was but all of a month then. The owners though got as a gift seemed quite unwilling to keep him and offered him to us seeing our instant attachment to him. Without a blink of an eye we picked him up, brought home, named him Bozo lovingly and he became a part of the family.

Bozo loved to mingle with guests. He would occupy a seat with the guests or simply perk himself cozily in one of our laps and enjoy our conversation. He no doubt grabbed the maximum attention on such occasions. 

Bozo grew to be the darling of the family. He was playful, happy and absolutely caring and protective  towards the children. 
Ate very little, was very particular about his food and how it was served. 
He loved to be in the garden playing around the flower beds and the kitchen garden. He would sit or lie on the shaded parts of the lawn when tired after chasing squirrels.

Aawwww .... look at his expression. The poor thing was sweetly punished for trampling over the flower beds. He could easily jump out of there but was so obedient that he wouldn't budge out till someone picked him up or asked him to come out.

Bozo understood us very well. We would sit him up on the piano stool, he would sit there as long as someone didn't ask him to climb down. 
Later as he grew old he couldn't jump down, needed to be mostly carried, especially while climbing the stairs.

Never knew how time flew playing and living a wonderful life with Bozo, realized only when Bozo was going to be fifteen years of age! He now became frail and couldn't play, only loved to sit around the house or his favourite place, the lawn. Would sit, listen to my daughter playing on the piano and doze off ...

Bozo finally left us for his heavenly abode, but lived on in our hearts forever .....
We remember and love him more each passing day. No one can ever take his place in our hearts .... May he live happily ever after, wherever he is ....


  1. Thanks Harish.
    Keep visiting my space .....

  2. Aww... loved to see Bozo after so long!!!

    1. We miss him a lot. Thanks for visiting Priyanka.
