My Recipes

Tuesday 8 November 2011

Poem : The Wait


Oh silence why do you scare ....?
While life seems only too bare ....
Of clothing and jewellery entire
Can this state be truly fair ....?

Words of love not any more flow ....
Sprouts of colours now covered with snow
Why, oh why am I bound to feel so low ....?

Cool breeze of happiness gently sweeps by ....
Pearl drops of fresh dew on my lawn lie
Limp and forlorn mind oh is that why you cry ....?
        For not the breeze nor the dew no gems nor hue
        Can break the spell of the deafening silence true.

                                              Ruprekha Mushahary


  1. Free flowing verse from your pen...the sound of silence rising up to a deafening crescendo...very nice penning...tfs

  2. Deafening Silence. So true. :(

  3. @ Anupam :
    Thanks a lot ... you have always been a great support.

  4. @ M. A. Sharma :
    @ Jyothi :
    @ Onkar :
    Thank you so much....

  5. That was a lovely weave on Silence!!

  6. Ruprekha,

    Finally I could make it here. Read all current posts. I think one of these I had read in Kavita's space, am I right? Autumn is basically associated with falling leaves which give a feeling of gloom. Enjoyed your post on Sewli, the flower. These both poems show tinge of sadness, hope it is fiction only.

    Take care

  7. @ Rahul Bhatia :
    @ R.Ramakrishnan :

    Thanks a lot, I'm encouraged by your appreciation.

  8. @ Jack :
    Thanks a lot, do keep visiting.

  9. Many lovers are suffering and want to ask the question, what can they do to bring back the love of their lives?
