My Recipes

Thursday 19 May 2011

Paatot Diya Maas

Paatot-diya Maas is a favourite of the Assamese.
A few Assamese terminologies:
1. Paat: leaf
2. Kolpaat: banana leaf
3. Paatot Diya: food cooked (either steamed or grilled) wrapped on kolpaat
4. Maas: fish
To cook this delicacy you need:

Sunday 15 May 2011

Paatot Diya Kochuthoori

All parts of Colocasia plant is eaten in the north-eastern region of India. This particular side dish is very popular in Assam. But do make sure you pick up the right leaves, some of them are very itchy and are not advisable to eat.
A variety of dishes are prepared with colocasia roots and stems too. 
A few Assamese terminologies:
1.Kosuthoori: very tender Colocasia leaves which are still wrapped(haven't opened yet)
2.Konbilahi: Cherry tomatoes.
3.Kolpaat: Banana leaf
4.Paatot Diya: food which is cooked wrapped in kolpaat

To cook this Assamese delicacy you need:

One small bunch of Kochuthoori, around 20stalks.

50gms Konbilahi
4 Green Chillies
1 tsp Salt
1 tsp Mustard oil

Wash and spread all the ingredients except Mustard oil, on a kolpaat.

Wrap the kolpaat and tie up the parcel with little fiber from the banana leaf.

Normally this parcel is put under the ember to cook gradually. Since for modern households it's difficult to arrange that, I cook it on a frying-pan over a low flame, without oil but sprinkling little water occasionally. Cook for around 45 to 60 minutes. 

Take the paatot diya kochuthoori out onto a bowl, add raw mustard oil and mash. 

Delicious Paatotdiya Kochuthoori is ready to serve.

Saturday 14 May 2011

Maas aru Noroxinghor Jool

"Maas aru Noroxinghor Jool" Fish curry with Curry leaves.
This dish is regarded as a healthy one in Assam and loved by all.
Noroxingho Gos: Curry tree, botanical name is Murraya koenigii.
Noroxinghor paat: Curry leaves. These aromatic leaves are widely used in Indian cuisine and in ayurvedic medicines as a herb. While other parts of the country use small amount of Curry leaves as spice, in Assamese cuisine it is used to make a whole curry crushing the leaves.
A few Assamese terminologies:
1. Maas: Fish
2. Jool: Curry or gravy
3. Aru: And
4. Paat: Leaf
To cook 4 portions of this Assamese delicacy, you need:
250gm Maas. Any fish can be used, I have chosen Puthi maas(Ticto barb).
150gm fresh tender Noroxinghor paat.
10pods of Garlic, crushed coarsely.
2 to 3 dry whole red Chilly.
1tsp whole Peppercorn
2tsps Turmeric powder.
Salt to taste
1tblsp Mustard oil for curry and 1/2 cup for frying fish.
Wash and smear fish with salt and turmeric powder, leave for 15 minutes.
Wash Noroxinghor paat, grind with a cup of water to a smooth paste.
Fry fish
Heat oil and saute`garlic, chilly and peppercorn.
Put in the Noroxingho paste, salt, turmeric powder and stir well. Keep cooking stirring all the while for 5minutes.
Pour 2 cups of warm water and stir well. 
Drop the fried fishes and cook covered stirring occasionally. Add more water if necessary. The gravy should not be thick. Its done once the fish is cooked.
Maas aru Noroxinghor jool is ready, serve with a steaming hot plate of rice.

Tuesday 10 May 2011



This 'Pitha' is a popular snack of the people of the North Eastern part of India, a favourite Pitha of the Bodos. It is very easy to make, healthy as well as a filling pitha.

Few Bodo terminologies :
1.Pitha : A snack, rice powder is the main ingredient. Pithas are of quite a few variety, both sweet and savory.
2.Jwsa Mairong : A variety of tiny grained rice with a delicious aroma.
3.Methai : Jaggery
4.Sibing : Sesame seed
5.On : Rice powder

To make 7 to 8 pithas you need only three ingredients:

Jwsa Mairong

1.Freshly ground 'on' of 850gm Jwsa Mairong. Before grinding, wash mairong and keep for an hour so that  the water drains out.
Any other variety of rice can be used.

2.Sibing 2 cups.

3.Methai 1/2 cup or to taste.

To make this Pitha, you need a pitcher or a kettle, a small bowl to shape the pitha, the size of which should be that of the mouth of the pitcher and 2 soft damp napkins.
Rinse sibing thoroughly ...
...rub with hand while wet and let dry ...most of the skin will fall off....

  Grind sibing, but not fine. Mix methai with sibing. Both the ingredients can be used separately layering the pitha.

Boil water in the pitcher.

The most important part of making this pitha is to prepare the 'on'. Add little water and knead well, too much water will spoil the pitha by making it sticky. It should remain powdery but some amount of water must be fed to it. Sieve it through a steel strainer so that no lumps remain.

Place a damp napkin on the bowl, spread 'on'-sibing-methai in layers, top layer being 'on' again. Press with your hand. The pitha will take the shape of the small bowl.

Wrap this with the napkin, hold both edges and lift up from the bowl.

Place it on the mouth of the pitcher.....

...and cover with the lid. The pitha will be cooked by the steam of the boiling water in the pitcher. Steam only for 3 to 4 minutes.

Delicious pitha is ready. Serve piping hot with a cup of tea.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

Tel Pitha

A few Assamese terminologies : 
1. Pitha : a snack, rice powder is the main ingredient. Pithas are of quite a few variety, both sweet and savory. 
2. Tel : oil. 
3. Saool : rice
4. Goor : jaggery
5. Saunf : aniseed
This Pitha is fried in oil, hence, Tel Pitha, to make around 26 of them, you need :

1. 1/2 kg Saool. Wash, soak for a while, drain and leave saool for about an hour.

Grind Saool to a fine powder.

2. 180 gm Goor

Soak Goor in 1cup of water and mix well, strain and keep aside.

3. 1 tsp, level, Saunf

4. A pinch of Soda bicarb

5. 250 ml Mustard oil

Add Soda bicarb and Goor-water to Saool powder.....

...add Saunf ....

...mix well, add little more water if necessary to make a thick batter. Keep over night for fermentation. 
Heat oil drop 1 tblsp batter at a time and deep fry in medium heat turning to brown all over. Tel Pitha can be stored for several days.