My Recipes

Saturday 23 July 2011

Bhaatkerelar Poour

Bhaatkerelar Poour (Stuffed Teasle Gourd)
        Bhaatkerela : Assamese name
        Teasle Gourd : English name
        Momordica diocia : Scientific name  

        Ingredients :

6 Bhaatkerelas : scrape the uneven part of the outer body and wash. They should be left whole.

Paste of 2tbsp mustard seed, 12pods of garlic, 1onion and julienne of 1onion.

 1tsp powdered cumin seed (jeera), 1tsp powdered coriander seed (dhaniya).

1tsp(level) chilly powder

1tsp powdered cinnamon+cardamom+clove (garam masala), 1tsp(level) turmeric, 1tsp sugar, salt to taste.

3tbsp mustard oil to fry the filling, 1cup mustard oil to fry the filled bhaatkerelas.

For the batter :
1 cup Gram flour (besan)
Salt to taste
Little water

              Method :

Cook bhaatkerela in water and 1tsp salt till tender.

Remove from water ......

...... halve them ....

... scoop the seeds out and keep aside.

Heat oil, put in sugar, fry till bubbles come up, sugar turning brown. Add the rest of the ingredients fry for some time, finally add the scooped out seeds of bhaatkerela, keep frying till the ingredients are well mixed and of a nice brown colour.

fill the shells with this fried filling ....

... and keep aside to fry. 

Make a batter mixing all ingredients for batter.

Heat oil, dip filled bhaatkerelas in the batter .... 

 .....  and deep fry till golden brown. 

Delicious bhaatkerelar poour is ready to be served with meals, can be served as a snack too.