My Recipes

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Munday Mwigong

Herbs and vegetables are called Mwigong in Bodo. 
Bodos call it Munday, known as "Leheti" or "Paani Xaak" on the Upper region of Assam. Grows in water and swampy areas. 

Very popular among Bodos and perhaps one of very few herbs which is not cooked with meat or fish. Wasn't too sure of its taste or if it was at all edible when I first saw this herb growing in and by the sides of a stream. But it tastes great. This herb is available during the monsoons in the markets too. 

Ingredients : (serves 4)
                            a bunch of Munday
                            1 dry chilly
                            2 pods of garlic, crushed
                            1 tbsp mustard oil
                            salt to taste

Method : 
                     Clean, wash and chop the herb fine. Use only the tender stems and leaves. Heat oil, saute chilly and garlic for a minute and add the herb. Stir, add salt, cover and cook in low heat. It is normally cooked without adding water, but can sprinkle a few spoons if you feel it is taking longer to cook.

Munday mwigong is ready. Serve it as a side dish.

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