My Recipes

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Narikol Pitha

Another Assamese delicacy. Doesn't require much time to make this snack. Never knew the name, I simply call it Narikol Pitha.
Ingredients : makes around 18 pithas
                Half of a coconut, grated
                          Half cup sugar
                          1 cup flour
                          1 tsp baking powder
                          little water or milk
         For frying :
                         250 ml refine oil
Method :
             Ingredients can be either mixed together without roasting the coconut. But I roast coconut and sugar first and let it cool. Then mix rest of the ingredients and knead to a fine dough. Make equal sized balls and flatten them.
Deep fry the pithas in medium heat. Can be stored for several days.


  1. Ba, khabo mon goise..

    "narikol pitha" khai mur val lage..


    1. Thank you Gautam.
      Bor tasty hoi xosakey Narikol pitha. Moi nijeu khuwb bhal pau :)

  2. Wow! seems really easy to make and should be tasty delicious too.

    1. Yes rama, it tastes delicious. One of my favs :)
