My Recipes

Sunday 14 January 2018

Barbeque (Fish+Prawn+Pork)

Fish Barbeque:
Take any fish that has less bones and can be cut into little large size pieces.
1. Rahu/Bhakuwa fish 6pcs, cut into pieces little bigger than the usual size cut for curry.

2. Salt 1 and half tsp
3. Pepper powder 1 tsp
4. Butter 2tbsps, melted
5. Lime juice of half a lime

Mix Lime juice, salt and pepper powder well. Smear on the pieces of fish.
Melt butter and pour over fish. Make sure that all sides are brushed with butter well.

Leave it for at least 4 to 5 hours.
Can be left outside during Winter, but keep in fridge in Summer.

Finally the barbeque part and it is ready to serve.