My Recipes

Monday 24 September 2018

Thasso Bisong Bathwn

Thasso Bisong: Taro stem
Bathwn: to mash or make a chutney

This delicacy is best with smoked tiny prawns or fish. But in this particular recipe I have not used any to make it a pure vegetarian one.


1. Thasso Bisong a bunch
2. Paste of Onion+Ginger+Garlic+Red Chilli (or fresh chilli)
3. Turmeric a little
4. Salt to taste
5. Mustard oil


Peel skin of Thasso Bisong, wash and cut into one inch pieces.
Heat oil, fry paste, add turmeric and Thasso. Add salt. Cook covered on low heat, stirring occasionally.
Once cooked, Thasso gives out lot of water and gets cooked in the same water. Cook till it is completely dissolved. Keep stirring and mashing the Thasso while cooking.

Thasso Bisong Bathwn is ready to be served.
You may also like to check Thasso Bisong cooked with Fish by clicking here Thasso with Fish

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