My Recipes

Wednesday 3 October 2018

Naa Gwri jwng Thadoon wngkhree

Thadoon: Root of Taro/Colocasia
Jwng: With
Naa: Fish
Naa Gwri: Spotted Snakehead Fish

1. Taro root 3 (long variety), peeled and cubed
2. Fish half kilo
3. Tomato 1, remove skin and grate
4. Paste: Onion 3+Ginger 1 piece+Garlic 10 to 12 cloves
5. Chilli to taste, fresh green or red
6. Salt to taste
7. Turmeric
8. Mustard oil
9. Fresh Coriander

Add Turmeric and Salt to fish. Fry fish but not fully, do not make it crisp or cook completely. Keep aside.
Keep a little paste aside for later use. Heat oil, fry the paste adding salt, chilli and turmeric. When half fried, add Thadoon pieces. Keep stirring and fry on medium heat.

Add hot water and pressure cook 2 whistles and simmer on low heat till one more whistle. Let it stand till the pressure is reseled completely.
In the meantime, heat oil and fry the reserved paste. Add tomato, little salt and turmeric. Fry till done.
Pour the Thadoon from cooker to a karahi along with the gravy. Add fried tomato and fried fish. Add more hot water if required. Let it cook covered. Check salt, chilli. Break some of the Thadoon pieces. Care should be taken to make the curry neither too thick or thin.

Garnish with chopped fresh coriander and serve with rice.

Thadoon can be cooked with Smoked Shrimps (Nathur Gwran) too. Tastes superb. Same method as above may be followed to cook.
You may also check the Thadoon curry with fish Thadoon jwng Naa jwng

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